GraceBlocks Unlocked: E1 - Rick's Rentals

Rick owns a rental property in New Hampshire, and GraceBlcoks is changing everything how he keeps track of his renatls.

GraceBlocks Unlocked: E1 - Rick's Rentals

If you are a vacation rental property owner, you're well acquainted with the daily challenges of managing your own slice of paradise. With each sunrise, you welcome new guests, field inquiries, track payments, and juggle a multitude of tasks to ensure your property runs smoothly. Now, imagine a powerful tool that could unlock the potential of your vacation rental business and simplify your management tasks, making your life as a property owner stress-free.


Welcome to the inaugural episode of "GraceBlocks Unlocked!" We're excited to introduce you to a kindred spirit in the world of vacation rentals, Rick Hennessy. You'll witness Rick's transformation from the chaos of unruly spreadsheets to a streamlined, easy-to-manage system that has revitalized his property management journey.


In this episode, you'll discover how to harness the capabilities of GraceBlocks, empowering you to build a more efficient and profitable rental property management system. We'll watch the following features in action that have been pivotal to Rick's success:


Building a Block: Learn how to create your foundation within GraceBlocks, setting the stage for efficient property management.

Adding a tab by importing a spreadsheet: Say goodbye to manual data entry as we guide you through the seamless process of importing spreadsheets into GraceBlocks.

Creating formulas: We'll unveil the magic of formulas, enabling you to extract key dates, summarize payment status, and automate calculations, saving you time and reducing errors.

Using views and columns: Discover how to organize and summarize information in a way that suits your unique needs, providing a clear snapshot of your property's performance.

✨  Creating web forms: Control the data entry into your system.

 ✨ Leveraging data relationships: Uncover how data relationships within GraceBlocks can streamline your property management and connecting rentals to payment data.


Are you ready to take your vacation rental property management to the next level? With "GraceBlocks Unlocked," we'll walk you through these capabilities so you can learn from Rick's journey, and start building your streamlined rental property management system today using GraceBlocks. It's time to revolutionize your property management, reduce stress, and elevate your vacation rental business to new heights. 🏝️

Mary Grace Hennessy

Mary Grace Hennessy

Co-founder & CEO

Mary Grace Hennessy, co-founder and CEO of GraceBlocks, was previously an operations, sales, and product leader at SmashFly (acquired by Symphony Talent).